So I have been here in California now for almost two weeks and I have already had some fun adventures! Over the weekend Kory and I were invited to go camping/hiking with three other couples from the office. We first drove about an hour and a half to San Bernadino National Forest. Then we decided to go on a hike to some hot pots that we had heard about. So all eight of us were in search of the trail for the hot pots. We thought the trail was going to be only a ten minutes drive, but to make a long story ended up being an hour and a half drive and we had to stop three times to ask for directions. I imagined the hike taking place in the forest with nice trees shading us as we hiked, but no! By the time we made it to the trail head, we where in the middle of the desert..literally. We spent another hour hiking to the hot pots...which was steep and quite hot. We finally started coming up on a big river of water so we knew we must be getting close. Then all of a sudden we saw a whole bunch a people off in the distance. We all were so excited to have finally made it after our 4 hour journey and almost giving up a few times. As we took a few steps closer to the hot pots full of people, we all basically said the same thing at the same time. "Are they naked?" "Oh man!" We had come all this way and about turned around so many times and now we finally got there and almost every person was naked!We didn't know what to do. It seemed stupid to have come so far just to turn around and go back. We walked a little ways away and sat down on some rocks and ate our lunch as we tried to figure out what to do. We were all pretty hot and there was a big river right next to the hot pots so we just decided to play and swim around in the cold water. We had a lot of fun, but still felt like we were missing out on what we had worked so hard to find. While we played in the cold water avoiding all the naked people, we glanced up and a naked hiker walked by. We all just laughed and thought it was weird to be hiking alone... naked. Then it was like we couldn't avoid it, random naked people would just appear out of no where. We got out of the cold water and sat around for awhile and.....we finally just decided to go for it! We went over to the hot pots and were lucky to find our very own pot with no naked people in it. We all were so pleased with ourselves. We weren't with the naked people and we managed to get in the hot pots. It was a bit awkward when naked people walked by wanting to get in, but realized they were out numbered with suited people...thankfully they kept walking. There were quite a few hot pots so all the naked people stayed together and the suited people stayed together.
It was a crazy and fun adventure to say the least. We ended up staying for a while in the hot water then hiking back out and camping in the forest.
Every Wednesday Kory has late start day, which means he gets to go to work 2 hours later than usual. One Wednesday we went to Newport beach and rented bicycles and rode them around. It was a lot of fun. We tried the bicycle built for two first, but that didn't work out so great!
Newport Beach Temple....It's only about 5 years old.
Before I came out here to California, I went with my parents and my sister and her daughter to Lava Hot Springs for a few days. (What's with me and hot pots lately?)
My niece Savannah and I on our way to Lava Hot Springs.
Lava Hot Springs with my mom and dad!
I guess Santa enjoys going to the hot pots too! He probably gets tired of being cold all the time ;)