This is the end of my 7th week of school and I can't believe it. I am really enjoying myself! Today I had to go to a training and I really just wanted to be with my students instead. It seems like there is always something fun going on at school. We took a field trip up A.F. canyan and met Smokey Bear. You are probably thinking that I left out "the" but the the forest ranger made it very clear that his name is "Smokey Bear" so I thought I would help set things straight:). We've also had grandparents day which was a lot of fun,
and tomorrow is apple day. It's amazing how fast they learn things and how much power I really have as thier teacher.
My parents decided it would be a fun idea to live in thier fifth wheel for a coulpe of weeks in A.F. canyon. Kory and I went up to visit a few times enjoying the leaves along the way. We even stayed over a few nights!Some of my other family members were also able to come up and spend some time. We had a lot of fun playing games and enjoying the campfire!
I love American Fork canyon...especially this time of year when the leaves are changing color.
My Ma and Pa at Cascade Springs.
Just an orange tree I like!
Neat... yellow leaved trees!
I love to see the patches of yellow aspen trees mixed in with the green pine trees.
I spy a little Marianne!
Near Silver Reservoir
View on our drive up to Silver Reservoir