This is the end of my 7th week of school and I can't believe it. I am really enjoying myself! Today I had to go to a training and I really just wanted to be with my students instead. It seems like there is always something fun going on at school. We took a field trip up A.F. canyan and met Smokey Bear. You are probably thinking that I left out "the" but the the forest ranger made it very clear that his name is "Smokey Bear" so I thought I would help set things straight:). We've also had grandparents day which was a lot of fun,
and tomorrow is apple day. It's amazing how fast they learn things and how much power I really have as thier teacher.
My parents decided it would be a fun idea to live in thier fifth wheel for a coulpe of weeks in A.F. canyon. Kory and I went up to visit a few times enjoying the leaves along the way. We even stayed over a few nights!Some of my other family members were also able to come up and spend some time. We had a lot of fun playing games and enjoying the campfire!
I love American Fork canyon...especially this time of year when the leaves are changing color.
My Ma and Pa at Cascade Springs.
Just an orange tree I like!
Neat... yellow leaved trees!
I love to see the patches of yellow aspen trees mixed in with the green pine trees.
I spy a little Marianne!
Near Silver Reservoir
View on our drive up to Silver Reservoir
You have got to be the best teacher ever, I bet your students all love you! Those pictures make me super home sick. Utah is so beautiful!!! The first thing Hailey said when we got to Henderson was, " What is wrong with the trees here?" Yeah they are palm trees:)
Looks beautiful! It seems like we are all past due for some kind of party or get together. What do you think. Brian would be content just watching football with Kory, but we should do something. Let me know if you're interested.
Love the Fall colors. So I hate to admit it but I was very close to correcting you on leaving out the "the". Its just not the same calling him Smokey Bear, that's not fun. Or is it a she??? hmmm. Hope all is well.
You are quite the little teacher!!! I don't like going to workshops, either! I'd rather stay at school...I don't like writing lesson plans! I only enjoy going to my US history class! When I first began to teach, all classes like what they make us go to were held after school. Teaching was the most important thing! But, teachers wouldn't go, cuz they weren't paid. So now, only our subs are paid for!
Rise & Shout, Kory!!! (I have season BYU tickets and season Jazz tickets!)
I like your hair! Your pictures are amazing, especially that pic of the river. I'm so glad your loving teaching! Brian is going to be so jealous to hear about Kory's fun with the BYU football season! We found out we're having a girl! AH! ANOTHER girl! lol, it'll be crazy in teen years ;)
Pretty Leaves! It makes me miss living somewhere that there are actually seasons.
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