Our 10 day Christmas adventure in Virginia all started when we left with Kory's brother Bub, his wife Danielle, and their little girl Hailey to Las Vegas to catch our flight. After a 6 hour drive to Vegas, and a 4 hour delay, we were on our way to Michigan. Because of our delay in Las Vegas, we missed our connecting flight in Michigan. After waiting another four hours in the airport, we were able to get stand by tickets on a flight headed to Maryland. Once we got to Maryland Kory's dad picked us up and be were finally on our way to Buena Vista, Virginia. At this point I thought our traveling was finally over. Boy was I wrong. We still has 3 hours of driving to go. By the time we got there we had traveled for 24 hours.

Reunited at last!

We couldn't all get together and not have some family pictures taken!

On Christmas Eve we went to the local ice cream shop and met up with Santa Claus. Luckily he had just enough time to let us sit on his lap before he had to leave!

These are some of our cute nieces and nephews! Jaden, Hailey, Max, and Alissa

Every year on Christmas Eve the Longenecker family acts out the nativity story. This year I got to help with the directing and Kory got to be the photographer! This kids all did a great job acting o

ut their parts!
Santa Came!
We gave to Jenny and Alan this Year
I've been watiting for this post! I'm glad you had a safe trip despite the delays. I can relate! I'm moving home so I'm looking forward to seeing you more often Marianne!
I love those pictures, it looked like you had a lot of fun! I can't believe how fast time flies! Well have a great week!
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